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Troubleshoot a CME activity that is not working

Many thing can go wrong with CME activities:

  1. CME activity is not redirecting to CME after the survey
  2. CME link set up, still not redirecting users
  3. What happens when I use a product code in two different activities?
  4. I redirected within the activity at completion but it is not working 
  5. I am getting an error message "something went wrong"
  6. Can my product code not formatted properly--- error code
  7. I get a "Thank You" page instead of my CME
  8. I get a "CME Certificate Information is not available with this ProductCode"

CME activity is not redirecting to CME after the survey

If a created activity is not directing you to the CME certificate. 

  1. Go to your account
  2. Edit the survey used in the activity
  3. Go to "Settings"
  4. Click on "Thank you page"
  5. Choose "Redirect to external link"
  6. Type the correct URL for the CME certificate

CME link set up, still not redirecting users

When a link was used to redirect users when they completed the survey, but after completing it, users still do not get redirected. We need to make sure the link was place correctly. 

If you placed an embed URL, example "<script type="text/javascript"src=""></script>" Jotform will not be able to handle the embed URL. 

In order to resolve this issue, just used the URL withing the embed code. The result should be:

What happens when I use a product code in two different activities?

Product codes are activity or case specific, therefore, it can only be used for one specific activity/case. If a you need a product code, please contact the program owner to get a product code. 

I redirected within the activity at completion but it is not working 

This feature works when all the CME required fields have been entered. The only requirement is that the full web address needs to be entered. Example: ""

I am getting an error message "something went wrong"

When this happens, please verify the following are set up correctly

  • The settings for the activity are correct.
  • The product code is correct
  • The URL for the jotform is correct
  • the settings for the jotform are correct. 

If all of these are correct contact [email protected] as there might be an issues with the programs that are running behind the scenes. 

Can my product code not formatted properly--- error code

If a product code not entered as intended, when user complete the activity they will not be receiving the correct CME certificate and will receive an error message. 

I get a "Thank You" page instead of my CME

This happens for two reasons 

  1. The Jotform was not set up as a redirect link (See CME activity is not redirecting to CME after the survey )
  2. The jotform conditions are not redirecting to the correct pages. This usually happens when a form was copied from a master form. Make sure that the condition in the form mimic the following image.

I get a "CME Certificate Information is not available with this ProductCode"

This is happens due to product code setup issue. Contact the product manager or enter a support ticket and specify the error message so we can forward the email to the product manager. 

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