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NRDR Uploader App: Merge Patient Upload

The Merge Patient Upload function allows you to merge multiple patient records at one time, rather than doing so one by one on the Patients page.

Start by downloading the blank Excel file available on the Merge Patient Upload page. Ensure that you are working with the correct Facility ID:

The file has two columns. In the first column, enter the NRDR patient ID that should be retained after the merge. In the second column, enter one or more NRDR patient ID’s whose NRDR records should be reassigned to the surviving NRDR patient ID.

For example:

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In this example, all NRDR records for patients 456 and 789, regardless of registry, will be reassigned to patient 123. The patient demographic information for patients 456 and 789, such as name and date of birth, will be deleted. The patient demographic information will be retained from patient 123 only.


  • The surviving record cannot be a canceled record.

  • A patient record cannot be merged with a patient record from a different Facility ID.


Drag and drop the file to the area indicated, or upload the file using the “browse” function:


Your file will appear in the list of uploaded files, along with information about the upload status, the percentage of records processed, number of records in the file, and the number of records added, updated and rejected:

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If there are errors in the file, and there are less than 50,000 errors, a Download Log File button will appear in the Action column. You can download the log file to view the errors. You can correct the errors directly in the log file and reload it.


If there are 50,000 errors or more, a Generate Log File button will appear in the Action column. By clicking this button, you can request that a log file be generated. You will receive an email notification when the log is ready for downloading. At that time, the button will change to Download Log File.

You can use the filter to search for file uploads by status and submission date:

A screenshot of a computer

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