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Development of New LCSR Module for Incidental Pulmonary Nodules

Latest Developments

In early 2024, ACR received funding to plan an actionable incidental pulmonary nodules (IPNs) module in the LCSR, which aims to develop diagnostic performance feedback for physicians participating in the LCSR. The IPN module will gather data to facilitate appropriate and timely follow-up patient care. The registry continues to expand and evolve as new requirements and priorities are identified by the LCSR Committee and input from the larger lung cancer screening community.

The project’s physician co-advisors, Ella Kazerooni, MD, MS, FACR, and Ben Wandtke, MD, MS, lead the expanded vision for the IPN module. You may read more about this project by visiting the Harnessing the Value of Clinical Registries blog.


The Opportunity

ACR seeks radiology practices participating in the LCSR to test new quality measures, data collection for these measures, registry user performance feedback reports, and quality improvement tools to strengthen lung cancer screening (LCS) and IPN management programs. The new quality measures address diagnostic performance feedback on:

  1. Appropriateness or quality of recommendations for follow-up of IPNs
  2. Tracking the completion of recommended follow-up occurring within the recommended time range.


 If your practice, facility, department, or system is interested in testing the draft IPN module or learning more about the project, please email [email protected].

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