Revision History
In addition to the exam-specific instructions in the following tables, review the following information prior to examination selection and submission. Failure to follow the guidance below may result in failure of the submitted examination.
Direct or indirect MR arthrograms are not acceptable in place of non-contrast enhanced examinations.
ALL joint examinations require three imaging planes. Unless otherwise noted, these can be orthogonal to each other or mildly angulated to better demonstrate specific conditions, as long as all pertinent anatomic structures are completely demonstrated.
All examinations: Field of view should be limited to the area of interest, but include the anatomical coverage requirements listed for the specific exams.
ALL examinations must include at least one non-fat-suppressed, T1-weighted sequence. This can be acquired as a spin-echo acquisition, or as a fast spin-echo acquisition with scanning parameters (including echo-train length, inter-echo spacing, effective TE, and readout bandwidth) optimized to reduce blurring. Bone marrow, trabeculae, cortex, skeletal muscle, and extra-articular structures bounded by fat should all be sharply defined on the T1-weighted images.
ALL examinations must also include at least one fluid-sensitive sequence with suppressed fat signal. These can be acquired as intermediate-TE or long-TE (or effective-TE) spin-echo or fast spin-echo acquisitions, or as T2*-weighted gradient-recalled acquisitions. Suppression of fat signal may be accomplished with a chemical (spectral) based method, an inversion recovery method (e.g. STIR), a phase-dependent method (e.g. Dixon technique), or selective water excitation. A PD FS sequence is acceptable. The signal intensity of fluid should be bright and the signal intensity of fat should be darker than fluid (but does not have to be completely saturated and black). Nevertheless, the images should still demonstrate a gray scale that allows visualization of normal anatomic structures.
Sequences can be acquired in 2D or 3D mode; however, separate acquisitions are required for each required sequence. Images acquired in one imaging plane and reformatted into another plane CANNOT be used in place of a second acquired sequence.
The specified spatial resolutions for each required sequence will be enforced, but should not be interpreted as being, in and of itself, the only criterion for failure. Note that the pixel dimensions and areas must be less than or equal to the value specified. Do NOT use “interpolated” matrix dimensions when determining the pixel dimensions – the number of phase-encoding or frequency-encoding steps actually acquired should be used. Check your calculations carefully.
Refer to the individual ACR Practice Parameters for Musculoskeletal MRI examinations for more detailed explanations and justifications for the required examination elements.
The spatial resolution pixel area values indicated in the tables below are optimal values. Deviations from these values may be acceptable as long as other image quality parameters are acceptable.
Failure to meet anatomic coverage and imaging plane specifications may result in a fail of the submitted examination.
Elbow for Internal Derangement | |||
Required Sequences | Category A:Pulse Sequence and Image Contrast | Category B:Anatomic Coverage and Imaging Planes | Category C:Spatial Resolution |
Axial dark fluid or long TR/short TE |
Axial STIR or bright fluid, with or without fat suppression |
Coronal dark fluid |
Coronal bright fluid with fat suppression, which includes STIR or frequency-selective fat suppression techniques |
Sagittal bright fluid |
Forefoot | |||
Required Sequences | Category A:Pulse Sequence and Image Contrast | Category B:Anatomic Coverage and Imaging Planes | Category C:Spatial Resolution |
Short axis dark fluid (perpendicular to the metatarsals) |
Short axis (perpendicular to the metatarsals) bright fluid with fat suppression which includes STIR or frequency selective fat suppression techniques |
Long axis (parallel to the metatarsals and plantar surface) bright fluid with fat suppression which includes STIR or frequency selective fat suppression techniques |
Sagittal (parallel to the metatarsals) |
Shoulder for Internal Derangement | |||
Required Sequences | Category A:Pulse Sequence and Image Contrast | Category B:Anatomic Coverage and Imaging Planes | Category C:Spatial Resolution |
Coronal oblique, sagittal or axial dark fluid |
Axial long TR/short TE |
Coronal bright fluid with fat suppression which includes STIR or frequency selective fat suppression techniques |
Must have homogeneous fat saturationMust have good definition of surrounding soft tissuesMust have good definition of labrumMust have good definition of tendons (supraspinatus, infraspinatus and subscapularis) |
Sagittal oblique bright fluid |
Wrist for Internal Derangement | |||
Required Sequences | Category A:Pulse Sequence and Image Contrast | Category B:Anatomic Coverage and Imaging Planes | Category C:Spatial Resolution |
Coronal oblique dark fluid |
Coronal oblique bright fluid |
Must have bright fluidMust have good definition of surrounding soft tissuesMust have good definition of tendons (scapholunate ligament and triangular fibrocartilage complex) |
Axial dark fluid or long TR/short TE |
Axial bright fluid |
Sagittal |
KNEE such as for Internal DerangementMust have fat suppression on at least one sagittal or coronal sequence.If all the sagittal requirements listed are met by one sagittal sequence, then an additional sagittal sequence will not be required.Please review the requirements carefully for both sagittal sequences. | |||
Required Sequences | Category A:Pulse Sequence and Image Contrast | Category B:Anatomic Coverage and Imaging Planes | Category C:Spatial Resolution |
Sagittal PD-weighted: 2D or 3D; SE, FSE, or GRE; with or without fat suppression (for menisci) |
Sagittal bright fluid with or without fat suppression (for articular cartilage, ligaments, tendons) |
Coronal bright fluid with or without fat suppression which includes STIR or frequency selective fat suppression techniques |
Coronal, sagittal or axial dark fluid |
Transverse bright fluid with or without fat suppression |
![]() | Previous: Exam-Specific Parameters: Spine | Next: Exam-Specific Parameters: Body | ![]() |