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Nuclear Medicine and PET Accreditation
Nuclear Medicine and PET Accreditation
Complete Accreditation Information: PET/Nuclear Medicine
Complete Accreditation Information: Nuclear Medicine and PET (Revised 8-2-2024)
Personnel: Nuclear Medicine/PET
Interpreting Physician: Nuclear Medicine and PET (Revised 1-22-25)
Technologist: Nuclear Medicine and PET (Revised 2-1-23)
Medical Physicist: Nuclear Medicine and PET (Revised 12-12-19)
Level 2 Core Cardiology Training Symposium (COCATS) (Revised 12-12-19)
Equipment, QC and QA: Nuclear Medicine/PET
Quality Control: Nuclear Medicine (Revised 2-11-2025)
Quality Control: PET (Revised 9-6-2024)
Accreditation Testing: Nuclear Medicine/PET
Testing Overview: Nuclear Medicine and PET (3-3-2025)
Planar Module: NM (3-3-2025)
SPECT Module: NM (8-23-2024)
Nuclear Cardiology Module: NM (Revised 10-30-2024)
Phantom Testing: Nuclear Medicine (Revised 2-11-2025)
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